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Long Capture

Russ Long: Founder and CEO 

Russ founded Long Capture in 2017 to assist commercial companies in making the transition to pursue federal funding by leveraging opportunities provided by the DoD.

Rise 8

Bryon Kroger: Founder and CEO 

Bryon launched Rise8 in 2019 to help change agents overcome bureaucracy and transform the way they build and deploy software to create national security outcomes in prod.


Question One:

Why did you leave the military to start your own company ?


Question Two:

What are some pain points you’ve had when working with the government?

Question Three:

What bureaucratic processes prevent the DoD from accessing the nation’s best technologies?

Question Four:

What obstacles do you see with the Valley of Death besides just the financial side?

Rapid Fire

  1. What was the worst food served during your time in the military?
  2. What was the strangest place you ever slept during your time in the military
  3. What was the best place you were stationed?
  4. What was the worst place you were stationed?
  5. With one word, summarize your career thus far.
  6. How would you best summarize a “Bureaucracy Hacker?”
  7. What is your best tip for beard care for other rebellious ex-military



Want to Learn More About the companies behind the founder? 

